Monday, December 6, 2010

Tigres UANL

 Los Tigres son equipo de fútbol en Mexico. El equipo representa la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Los Tigres UANL son el equipo joven en Mexico.

The Tigres are one of two soccer teams that represent Monterrey, Mexico. The other team is the Rayados de Monterrey, but the Tigres are my favorite. They are my favorite mainly because I have actually seen their games, but I haven't seen a Rayados game. The Tigres represent the public university in Monterrey and that makes the players about my age as well. The boys who play for the Tigres are quiet attractive so that is another reason as to why they are my favorite. All that aside, it is common knowledge that soccer is a HUGE part of Latin American culture as well as around the world. The US is the only country who does not list soccer as it's most popular sport. I believe soccer has taken such a hold in Latin American countries because it is not as expensive as other sports like American football which requires a lot of equipment. To play soccer all people need is a ball and some sort of goals to score in. While in Mexico I saw children playing soccer everyday and they would play until their ball was flat. People go crazy for soccer and while I do not understand the hype I loved watching the kids play and the joy on their faces. The Tigres is a favored team in Monterrey and I have come to love them too as well las the whole sport in general.

Yaga y Mackie

Yaga y Mackie son músicos de Puerto Rico. Este es un foto de Yaga y Mackie y una página web escuchar a la musica de Yaga y Mackie.

I was first introduced to Yaga y Mackie while I was in Mexico for the summer and I really like their music. They are listed as a reggaeton group, but I think they are the equivalent to Puerto Rican and Latin American music as Lil' Wayne or Eminem is to the United States. Some of their known associates are Daddy Yankee who is well known in both Latin American countries as well as the United States. Granted I do not know what half of their music says I hope to one day be able to understand Yaga y Mackie's lyrics. Based on the videos for their songs and the few words I understand from their lyrics I can assume that their music is similar to the rappers of the United States. They sing about drugs, women, and run ins with the police. Yaga y Mackie are poster men for the "cholo" or Latin American gangster. The beats to Yaga y Mackie's music and catchy lyrics have made them a hit in Latin American countries.

Salsa Dancing

Este es una página web para baile de salsa. Baile de Salsa origina de Cuba. Los orígenes vienen de la inglesa Contredanse del siglo 17.

I chose salsa dancing because dance is a part of every culture and I think salsa dancing is a very beautiful type of dancing. Originating in Cuba, salsa dance has become prevalent in every Spanish speaking country. While I was in Mexico I learned how to salsa just a little and I fell in love with it. The moves for salsa are very difficult to master, but once mastered this partner dance is beautiful, sexy, and amazing. The picture and video I included in the blog post are from the Salsa World Championships held in Hollywood every year. The fact that there are now not only competitions, but world wide competitions show how much influence Hispanic culture has over the world. Boone should invest in a salsa dance club.. haha.

El Potrero Chico

 Estos fotos son fotos de El Potrero Chico. El Potrero Chico está en Hildalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Trepadores son de global viajar al Potrero Chico trepar. El Potrero Chico es para todos personas; trepadores nuevos a trepadores experimentados.

I chose El Potrero Chico because I had the opportunity to climb there while I was in Mexico. It was an awesome experience and I had tons of fun. The scenery was absolutely breath-taking and I would live there right in the middle of the mountains if I could. El Potrero Chico has hundreds of climbing routes and there is a route for everyone, from beginners to experts. While the initial climb was a little nerve racking once I made it to the top I felt so accomplished and was ready to go again. The decent from the top was also really fun because it was like I was floating in mid air for a little bit. I would love to go climbing at El Potrero Chico again and I encourage anyone who is ever around that area to at least go check out the scenery. It's gorgeous!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mi Corazón

Memo on the far right at age 10 (summer 08)
Memo (age 11) and I summer 09

Este es mi amigo Guillermo, pero su apodo es Memo. Èl es un huérfano de Monterrey, Méjico. Él tiene doce años y su cumpleaño es el 17 de abril. Memo viva en una casa hogar con casi sesenta otro niños.

Summer 09

Mis gafas del sol :)

The definition of an orphan is a child who has experienced emotional, verbal or physical abuse or neglect then abandonment. In the country of Mexico alone there are estimated 10 million orphans and an estimated 200 million around the world.  Mexican orphans generally live on the streets or in casa hogars (children's homes). The children who live in casa hogars share everything from toys to clothes to beds. Orphan children are often neglected and forgotten about in most societies. I met Memo the summer of 2008 while on a week long mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico with Back2Back Ministries. When I returned the following summer for another week long trip I was showing some of children pictures I had from my first trip and I recognized Memo from one of the pictures. He was so excited that I had not only remembered him, but that I had returned. Back2Back ministries works in casa hogars around Monterrey and also has campuses in India and Nigeria. During a typical week on a Back2Back mission trip group members do "improvement" work around the casa hogars. Then the groups hold a Bible study for the kids and just spend time playing and getting to know them. I have been on three mission trips to Monterrey, two just as a group member for a week long trip and this past summer I worked as an intern and was there for a month. Memo is one of the few children I have seen during all three of my trips, which is rare because children get moved from casa hogar to casa hogar all the time. He is my favorite child that I have worked with in Mexico and he has my heart. This boy is part of the reason I decided to major in social work and minor in Spanish. I have such a heart for the orphan child and I absolutely love Spanish. In the future I would love to work for Back2Back or a similar organization, because I want to be a voice for the orphan child and show children like Memo that they are not alone or forgotten.
Me and Memo (age 12) summer 2010